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The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science, space exploration, UFOs and SETI, archaeology, A.I. and the mysteries of our universe. The show features commentary and interviews with guests that include authors, researchers, and science educators from a variety of different fields, and takes a critically minded approach to the study of our universe. For more information about Micah Hanks, you can visit his website here. 


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Aug 15, 2019

This week, leading off with news we take a look at the incredible “Goliath” frogs in Cameroon that recently revealed a surprising secret... we also look at a “sorcerer’s treasure trove” recovered from the famous and ill-fated archaeological site of Pompeii. We then examine how the latest A.I. is able to predict the success of certain films; and based on the results, it’s a good thing they aren’t predicting who will commit future crimes… yet. We then shift our attention over to a Buddhist temple in Japan that is reaching an all-new and younger audience with the help of a “robot priest." This seems fitting since most people appear to already worship the technology around them here in the West.

Then getting to the heart of the discussion this week, we are joined by Brett Tingley, an investigative writer for sites that include The Warzone, whose recent articles on a series of mysterious U.S. Navy patents have been raising questions… and eyebrows. At the center of this unfolding story is the mysterious inventor behind the patents, Salvatore Pais, whose work Tingley has been chronicling now in articles that feature his probing for answers about the novel technologies Dr. Pais is said to have developed.

The fact that they are nearly identical to alleged technologies long discussed in UFO reports is probably no coincidence: we take a deep look at this developing story, and what it could have to do with technologies in development by foreign superpowers like China on this edition of The Micah Hanks Program.

Below are links to stories discussed on this week's program:

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