Nov 4, 2020
It was the most high-profile case involving a hacker in the history of Britain, and at the time the story broke, one of the biggest stories in the UK, if not the world. Gary McKinnon, a Glasgow-born computer programmer, was arrested at his apartment flat in Wood Green, north London. The charge: hacking United States military computer systems within just weeks of the September 2001 terror attacks.
McKinnon was dubbed “the 911 hacker,” although his reasons for hacking really had nothing to do with the terror attacks. But the most incredible part of McKinnon’s story hadn’t been the fact that he, a UK hacker with a dial-up modem, had accessed numerous U.S. government computer networks. It had been what he was looking for... and claimed to have eventually succeeded in finding: evidence of Unidentified Flying Objects, and efforts by the government to cover them up.
This week, we dive into McKinnon's story, as well as other claims from over the years about alleged suppression of secret advanced technologies on The Micah Hanks Program.
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