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The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science, space exploration, UFOs and SETI, archaeology, A.I. and the mysteries of our universe. The show features commentary and interviews with guests that include authors, researchers, and science educators from a variety of different fields, and takes a critically minded approach to the study of our universe. For more information about Micah Hanks, you can visit his website here. 


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Dec 22, 2020

By January 1953, dramatic events had brought the CIA and UFOs - a topic the agency had little desire to commit to having involvement with - to a gridlock. Following widespread sightings around the country, and even over Washington, D.C., the intelligence community was beginning to look seriously at what UFOs might represent and whether they might present a threat, directly or indirectly. What followed was a CIA-sponsored scientific committee known as The Robertson Panel, in response to sightings of UFOs that peaked in the summer of 1952, setting the tone for how the agency would deal with the subject for decades to come.

In more recent days, former CIA Director John Brennan was asked about the UFO subject, where he raised some interesting points on what the phenomena might represent. This week on The Micah Hanks Program, in addition to analyzing Brennan's statements on UFOs, we take a look at declassified documents that detail the history of the CIA's involvement with the subject, and how that has helped foster belief in a cover-up by the intelligence community over the years.

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