Sep 26, 2023
It was an ordinary late afternoon in the early 1980s, when something incredible happened to a rural family in Eastern Canada. As they looked out the windows of their home, they observed a massive, triangle-shaped object hovering motionless in the sky, in a sighting that would forever change their lives.
This week...
Sep 19, 2023
"The study of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) presents a unique scientific opportunity that demands a rigorous, evidence-based approach," reads a portion of a new report issued by NASA's UAP Independent Study Team. "NASA – with its extensive expertise in these domains and global reputation for...
Sep 12, 2023
According to the DoD's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), a significant majority of UAP incidents reported by members of the military involve sightings of peculiar metallic spheres, which are often observed moving through the skies over strategic sites and military training areas. Although many presume...
Sep 5, 2023
It seemed like any other clear Michigan evening as Wayne and Michelle drove their Jeep Wrangler home from a late-night game of bingo. Then, suddenly in the distance ahead, they saw three large bright white lights in the sky... and they appeared to be coming directly toward them.
This week on The Micah Hanks Program,...