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The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science, space exploration, UFOs and SETI, archaeology, A.I. and the mysteries of our universe. The show features commentary and interviews with guests that include authors, researchers, and science educators from a variety of different fields, and takes a critically minded approach to the study of our universe. For more information about Micah Hanks, you can visit his website here. 


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Jan 31, 2023

On November 23, 2019, a FLIR camera system onboard an RC-26B aircraft with the Air National Guard managed to film an unconventional flying object as it passed over Arizona. Displaying no visible means of propulsion or aerodynamic lift, the odd footage has been touted as one of several examples of Department of Homeland...

Jan 17, 2023

On October 31, 2022, the second installment of a series of reports involving the Department of Defense's ongoing evaluation of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) was scheduled for delivery, and after weeks of waiting, the ODNI report has finally been delivered... and with mixed reception from the UAP community. 


Jan 10, 2023

For decades, rumors of an alleged film depicting the landing of a flying saucer at Holloman Air Force Base have persisted, following the depiction of a story based on the alleged incident in a 1970s documentary, UFOs: Past, Present, and Future, and in a book of the same title by Robert Emenegger. The story emerged after...

Jan 4, 2023

In a recent series of Wall Street Journal opinion editorials, columnist Holman Jenkins Jr. has argued that military UAP encounters might be the result of a "secret military laser program", which he suggested might have been tested on active-duty pilots and that the Pentagon “may know exactly what [UAP] are.” His...