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The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science, space exploration, UFOs and SETI, archaeology, A.I. and the mysteries of our universe. The show features commentary and interviews with guests that include authors, researchers, and science educators from a variety of different fields, and takes a critically minded approach to the study of our universe. For more information about Micah Hanks, you can visit his website here. 


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Nov 25, 2020

Many futurists believe that we will go on to create technologies far more the likes of science fiction than what we recognize today as science fact... perhaps even resembling what we call UAP or UFOs. Within the next century, possible innovations in artificial intelligence may reshape the world as we know it, and eventually, humans could even develop spacecraft that can carry us to the stars. But if other intelligent civilizations exist in our universe, would they have followed the same path of technological progress? 

This week, Micah's brother Caleb joins us in-studio to discuss these ideas, and how they relate to the study of UAP. We look at the controversy surrounding the "Tictac" shaped object observed during the 2004 USS Nimitz incident, and also where claims of encounters with occupants of UAP craft are suggestive of technologies that blur the lines between man and machine. 

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